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Do you have any questions about our products?

We offer our services to small and medium healthcare providers, as well as we can direct patients to the appropriate healthcare specialist to attend to their needs. Time is precious, our health is precious. Why not have the consultation from the comfort of your home, at your language, from the best healthcare providers worldwide.

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    • We requested a software for our employees and their families to be able to contact a registered doctor for medical advice for any symptoms. This featured helped us a lot and provided our company a great service for our employees.
      Mrs Nicole Simmons
    • We needed an app for our clients in a major insurance company to be able to speak with our doctors and specialists during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hippocates365 turned within 48 hours with a great solution and with a complete software and applications to get things going in 3 days. Since then we have developed to our needs with even more features from launch date. Its great to be working with you!!
      Mr Mark Jones

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